Friday, July 09, 2004

I need a vacation

Two more today. These house showings are getting stressful..part of me wants to say "To hell with it, we have an offer, now it's just a matter of time, so screw all these other guys. Where were they before?"

But I can't do that, because one of these showings may result in a higher offer, or quicker possession date, either or both of which would be great.

At least we're heading for Cuba next Saturday..big family vacation for niece's wedding. I've never been on an all-inclusinve deal before, so I'm sure I'll come back from Varadero's Tryp Peninsula resort hung over (or still drunk), very full, and sunburnt.

I wonder if it's possible to combine activities at these places. You know, snorkeling on jogging track, windsurfing aerobics, beach volleyball in a canoe, archery and water polo, ping pong in a banana boat an the shooting range, cycling while learning to fire a crossbow...the possibilities are endless.


At 4:39 PM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

Visited the Tryp Peninsula site...what kind of sport is French bowls?

At 8:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wondered that myself..the feature page has a bit of broken english on it, so there's a few things I'm not quite sure of.

Sounds like some sort of drug paraphenelia..

At 9:48 PM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

Hopefully it's not a broken English for French Bowels! shudder...

I sent you a little letter today. Look at the envelope first. I had fun doodling on it before I sent it..hehehehehehehhe


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