weird feeling
I'm going through the same thing Mukey did, having a hard time believing that my time at the current job is almost at an end. I've been here almost nine years, and have a lot of familiarity with the place. I've been in a "comfort zone" that, while I have been hoping to move on for some time, it's been difficult to do so. It could also be called a rut.
I'm going to miss some aspects of the job itself, but overall, it is definitely time for a change. I am really going to miss the people. Some of them, I've known for a few months, some a few years, and some have been here since I started in 1995, and will probably be here long after I leave.
I've moved on from places in the past, always with the "Stay in touch" well wishes, but sadly, very few of them ever did, or at least, beyond the first letter or two.
I don't intend to let that happen this time, partially because e-mail is so damn easy, but mostly because the people mean that much more to me, many more friends than acquaintances, and deeper friendships than I've had before.
So don't think you're rid of me just because I'm moving to Medicine Hat, that has all Hell for a basement. I intend to visit lots, our door will always be open for visitors should you ever find yourselves out that way, and through the wonders of e-mail, blogs and cheap long distance, hopefully I won't feel that far away at all.
yup, know EXACTLY what yer feeling.
Today I am drawing a bison.
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