Wednesday, August 25, 2004

i hate survivor well as almost every "reality" show out there..except for one. Yes, I have a reality show vice, and that is Big Brother. I scoffed at it just as much the other reality shows at first, but damned if, in a moment of boredom, I didn't pay attention to one episode a few years ago and became intrigued by the concept.

I have no idea why I actually like it. SOmething about peple being awful to each other, probably.

They do a Big Brother UK several times per year, I believe, as opposed to the once-per-year American version. I think they should do a Canadian Big Brother. You know, make sure all the provinces/territories are represented by at least one houseguest, and throw in some treaty indians to round out the house. I used to joke that Canadian Big Brother would be way too boring, they'd just be all polite to each other all the time, but in fact, today's Canadians can match rude-for-rude with your best Americans, French, Belgians or other Europeans.

Did I mention that my trip to Cuba left me with a complete and utter distaste for Europeans and their rude ways?


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