Tuesday, August 10, 2004


OK, I've now hit the crappy part of moving and packing, though it won't be for quite as long as Mukey's limbo when he did it. Most of the stuff is packed, just have the leftover pains-in-my-ass to fight with now..the "too-bigs, too-heavies, and still-needs". So, I have a fridge and freezer full of food, but all most of the kitchenware is packed. Bought milk today, but packed all the cereal. Come Friday, it'll be Mukey territory, as the place will be 99 percent empty, with only the cleaning left to do. Even the cats will be gone (but the dogs will be either here or at Allie's mom's place.) I may sleep on an air mattress if I don't feel like leaving, but odds are will be crashing at one of the moms' places.


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