a medicine hat phenomenon
So, since I'm talking about reality shows, I really cannot get into Canadian Idol. However, Medicine Hat is very into Canadian Idol, due to a local boy, Kalan Porter, being involved and having made it to the final 6. It's really odd coming into a smaller city (50,000 or so) and seeing virtually the whole thing in the grip of something like this. Businesses have "Go Kalan Go" painted in their windows and doorways, SUV's have "Kalan 4 Idol" logos pasted to their tinted rear windows, and posters around town are encouraging locals to vote, vote, vote (to the extent that making a long-distance call out of Medicine Hat is nearly impossible for about an hour, once per week.)
I'm non-plussed about the whole thing, but the strange part is, I guess he lives about 3 doors down from us. Smaller city indeed.
Hey!! If he wins you'll have all sorts of media desending on your steps..then you can walk out in yer tighty whities and scare them off
Say, the dark knight figures are out today. You want me to see if I can find some for you? Or at least get some prices?
I just had this weird image of rob running around in his underwear chasing paparazzi with batman action figures.
And he'd be shouting "Bobock! Bobock!"
wow, that's a direction of comments I wasn't anticipating..PS the police have already warned me to stay away from the angel-faced boy's house.
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