Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Hey everyone. Back from our week long visit to Edmonton. Busy busy time, sorry to anyone we didn't get a chance to call or visit with. A week seemed like a long time when planing it, but got eaten up extremely fast!

Lately, I've read "The Negotiator" by James Marsh, about the art of kidnap negotiating. It was OK at first, but I was a little disappointed in it overall. It dealt mostly with kidnap cases in Italy and Central America, where kidnap is an actual industry. I guess I was hoping for some tales of closer to home kidnappings, but I guess you go where the action is, and it's all over there.

Also read "Watchers" by Dean Koontz, and "Serpico" by Peter Maas. Both were pretty good, and I now need to see the Pacino movie of the same name. There are a few classic films I've never seen. Apocalypse Now is another. As for Koontz, may pick up a few more of his at the ol' used bookshop, but his style didn't entice me into "must read everything" mode, as some authors do.

Feeling a TV void..no Sopranos, no Six Feet Under, no Buffy, no Angel. I've always liked Smallville when I've watched it, and now that there is precious little on, I feel this may be the season that I actually remember what night it's on and go out of my way to see it. The season opener was really good, and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

The thing I like most about it is the twist on the Superman mythos..taking a page from the X-Men movies and kicking the costumes to the curb, and using the Superman mythology as a base for an ongoing show really works, especially now. Some of the twists on the old legends work really well. I love that Jor-El was actually evil in thes treatment.

Working on the new computer, picked up an 80 GB hard drive and a DVD burner, so I can finally burn some DVD's. My main source will be MST3K's from Digital Archive Project.

While we were in Edmonton, we brought the dogs with us, a friend took two cats, and the rest of the cats (seven of them) were boarded at a local kennel, in very nice digs. We picked them up yesterday, and found that Riley had a blocked urinary trak again, same as he had a year or so ago. Luckily we caught it quickly this time. Last time, he was so blocked that we almost lost him, and all the posion in his system literall left him a little "simpler" in the head than he was prior to the illness. He's stayin at the vet overnight, and he'll be back tomorrow. Poor kitty man, I'm just glad I was home last night and noticed his distress.

Sorry for the lack of links in this post..I just feel lazy.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

Balthazar had a urinary tract blockage once too. The only solution is low-ash, low-magnesium cat food and filtered water.
Poor Kitty.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, low ash food isn't even sure fire for Riley. He's been on a special diet from the vet for the las year since his last incident, then when we moved, we put him back on the regular vet vood that the others eat (still low ash). Back to the even more expensive stuff for him, as he is now offcially prone to it. He's doing much better, though.


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