Saturday, September 04, 2004

the latest

Hey everybody. I've been lacking in posts, so sit back, get comfy, this'll probably be a long one.

Movies n books. Went to see Suspect Zero a few nights ago. I had seen the commercial, and didn't know much about it except that it was a serial killer flick. So, it was either that, an unknown quantity, or go see something that I had seen already, like Spiderman 2 or AVP, so we went with the unknown. It was pretty good for what it was, not really what I expected with the psychic-y premise, but overall, pretty good, with a good direction in the last act that made the movie worthwhile.

On the dish, we watched Secret Window, also well executed, but too predictable. The only thing unpredictable, after the "surprise plot twist", was where they went afterwards.

Watched most of Dummy with Adrien Brody. It was cute, and fairly funny at times. I wanted to go see this months ago at The Metro, but never made it. It wasn't perfect, but not bad. As far from The Pianist as Brody could possibly get.

Also on the dish this week were two more I had wanted to see, but haven't yet. Another one from the Metro, at about the same time as Dummy, was Party Monster with Macaulay Culkin, just to see if he has a hope of resurrecting his career by being able to, you know, act a little bit. The other was Ginger Snaps 2. I really liked the first one, a low budget, creative horror film, and Canadian to boot. Still waiting to see if 2 and 3 can live up to the first. I also need to do some research into the production itself, when I finish my zombie western script, to see if some cool Canadian indy producers with vision can see anything in it and try to put it out there.

I have some thoughts and observations about the upcoming Batman movie, but I'll save that for another post.


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