Just caught the season ender of Six Feet Under. I wasn't sure where this season was going, but this episode threw me for a loop. Near the end, my jaw went from "dropped" to "whoah! Way dropped!"
I love it when a show actually draws me in enough to make me almost forget that it's just a show. I'm trying to think of other moments in film, tv or books that made me go "Holy Shit!!". There were a couple in last year's Sopranos, but nothing earth-shattering, more just shock reaction to the non-chalant nature of the brutality. Actually, the final scenes with Adrianna did have the jaw-drop-effect, as soon as I clued in as to what was going on.
I'm glad I don't watch more episodic TV. I'd rather stay a snob and just enjoy the good stuff for what it is.
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