Wednesday, October 27, 2004

i hate government

Had my meeting with the "friendly" folks at Alberta Human Resources to see about paying for school. It started OK, until I said I was looking for grant programs for retraining, since there are no AV job opportunities in Medicine Hat right now. Basically, I was told that since I have a diploma, I'm already considered trained, and probaly don't qualify for retraining. Since the program I want to take is at the college, they administer the funds themselves, so I need to go talk to them instead of the Alberta people. I was told that I shouldn't have quit a job in Edmonotn to follow my wife to Medicine Hat to advance her career. In fact, she should have just found a job in Edmonton instead (not taking into account that she'd been trying for the last three years). Lastly, she said it's up to the college to accept me, but if it were up to her she wouldn't.

What a wonderful, confidence-and-self-esteem building excercise that was.

At least it went better at the college..I still may not get it funded, depending on whether we made too much oney last year, but at least I wasn't made to feel like a piece of crap there.

If I don't qualify, I know one thing for sure: I will be busting out the old letter-of-complaint writing skills, and complaining to everyone from that cow that I dealt with at the government all the way up to the minister of HR, and hell, ol' Ralph himself, that the programs for helping displaced workers suck, and the staff sucks even worse with their attitudes.


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