Sunday, October 03, 2004

yearning to travel

Yes, it's true, I can't wait to go somewhere again. I'd even go back to Cuba. (We're running out of coffee and cigars. Yes, I will smoke a fine cigar from time to time, and the Cohiba are the best, and we sure can't afford to buy them domestically.

We popped into a cigar shop on Whyte when we were in Edmonton, and checked out the prices. What we paid $27.95 US for (5 medium size Cohibas) was $140 CDN in the store (allie thinks it was $180..we agree to disagree. Regardless, too much for something you just smoke.) The coffe we brought back was real good too. We brought back rum for our house was so cheap I wanted to bring it back for everyone, but alas we onle had so much room to bring back goodies (plus that lingering fear that no matter how much you follow the rules, that anything you try and bring back ight get confiscated). I wish I had a bottle to send to tbit and Marmy, in their sick, feverish state. I didn't even bring any rum for ourselves, as I hate rum. Figures.

Anyways, I digress. I'd go back to Cuba, even though my last two days there, I fel sick. I'd go to Toronto. Winnipeg. Vancouver. California. Florida. Vegas. I'm having a roller coaster craving.

I'm hoping to get the family together in summer 2005 for Disneyland's 50th Anniversary. It seems like a lifetime ago that a bunch of us Alberta rubes went there for the first time, and although it was because I was 10 years old and hadn't done anything interesting in my life up to that point, the whole experience really and truly was magical, and left alsting imperssion. It was like an entirely new world, and I still love going back.

We were there (completely unintentionally) for the 25th anniversary. We've been back several times over the years, including the 35th anny year. To be there for the 50th, with as many members of our family as can manage to go, would be tons of fun, esepcially since my niece will just be turning four before we go, and that's an age where she could enjoy it the most, and we could all kind of live it again for the forst time though her.

Overall, even though this whole trip is my idea, I would actually rather go back to Florida, and Walt Disney World, as opposed to California's Disneyland. I got to check out the Florida area when I went to a conference last year, and had a blast.

The Florida area had many more things to do outside of the theme parks, and a much more tourist friendly area around and beyond the hotels, because of the heavy convention business going on there as well. Universal Studios in Orlando kicked ass over the California version, mainly beacuse of the 2nd park, Islands of Adventure. I was in rollercoaster heaven. I mean, they had a "Marvel Superhero Island" section, what more could I ask for?

Alas, for the 50th anniversary of not only Disneyland, but of the modern theme park as we know it, I couldn't imagine going anywhere else. Disneyland has its problems, and it does seem to be slipping in several areas, but warts and all, it's the one we grew up on, and the one that I want to be at next summer.

Maybe I can swing a trip in December, too, to check out the Haunted Mansion. Always a fun time anyways, from October til December, they redecorate it and fill it with "Nightmare Before Christmas" themes. Again, if you know me, you know I have to see that someday.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

"...Shop for tea cozies...?"
She said, raising an eyebrow dangerously in his direction.

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

mmm..shaved and smokey...with count, toast and mukey (and marmy, post cozey shopping)


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