Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I can't believe that Halloween has come and gone..already into the second week in November. A month from now, we'll be well into the Christmas rush, stressing over who gets what, and trying to squeeze in all the visiting that's required. Two months from now, it'll be all over, New Year's and all, and real life will be trying to resume itself. And I'll be a few weeks away from thirty-crappin-five years old.

I'm second guessing the whole travel counsellor thing, now. I know, I sounded pretty excited about it, but the gov't pogram I wanted to fund it doesn't sound too optimistic anymore, some of the places I contacted to fulfil the "research questionaire" haven't bothered to get back to me, and I just can't see any big opportunities in Medicine Hat once I'm done. There may be jobs, but the pay is so low that I can't really justify it.

So, I'm back to square one. If we'll be paying for my education myself, I really want to be sure it's the right thing. I would like to get a degree..have wanted to do that for a few years. I am not sure about the next four years as a full-time student, though. That money thing. Maybe if I find a decent job in the meantime, I can still go for it on a part-time basis. A BA with a major in film studies or film production, perhaps?

If that's the case, I need to work now. Stay in AV? Becoming a possibility, but again, the whole living-in-Medicine-Hat thing might be a problem. Unless I use the few contacts I do have here (and there aren't that many) to really push for something in the private sector. I think I'd like to expand my almost-zero-knowledge in video conferencing, seems to be a huge part of advanced AV jobs anywhere in Canada.

I found some awesome jobs to apply for in Toronto, but that doesn't really go with the current plan. nor would said jobs pay enough to keep us in our current lifestyle as homeowners. Nah, we're not going anywhere quite yet, so I must find a way to make it work here for the next few years at least.

I did apply for a part-time AV job at the Medicine Hat College library. Just enough hours to get me out of the house, and I'll take it, at this point, if they'll have me. And, keeping with the networking, beter to have something that gives me access to people, and investigate everything else for the future.

I also will soon meet with the folks from All Star Show Industries, who will be doing the Esplanade AV installation. hat would also serve to get me out of the house, and add installaton/pulling cable to my resume.

If, down the road, I could say I have a degree, nearly ten years of experience at the college, some video conferencing experience, and some installation work, maybe I could land the type of AV position that would make me happy, and allow a move to different locale, pending wifely approval, of course.

Too soon to plot that kind of road map, I think the next six months will just see me winging it, but with something along those lines as an eventual goal.


At 6:38 PM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

You may think you are fumbling around with this, but your thinking skills ARE working and you ARE going through what I think sounds like careful life planning. Keep yer nogging working on this and I think you will come out in a direction that will be happy for you.

Side note: I was reading while the blog loaded and I looked up directly at Buffy-Rob. I giggled.


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