Monday, February 28, 2005

day 3

Let's see, retroactively blogging a few days events, trying to get them chronilogically right.

The acid-y tummy lasted well into Saturday, which consisted of wandering around with Marmy. Bought chicken wings and stuff for tonight, went and picked up Toast's wonky new computer, with hopes that finally, all will be well and it will run City of Heroes glitch-free.

Pracha came over, and we watched three, count'em, three MST3K episodes. That's a new record for me, three full 1 and 1/2 hour episodes in one sitting. Teenagers From Outer Space, Parts (The Clonus Horror), and Samson (El Santo) Vs The Vampire Women, which I had been saving for a night like this.

Mukey and I actually paid money to see it at The Metro in Edmonton, just to say we'd seen an El Santo film in a theatre, and it was so bad, we left the place thinking "This is a prime candidate for MST3K.."

Once I found the Digital Archive Project, one of the first episodes I looked for was this one, and lo and behold, there it was, in all its robot-and-scientist infested glory. And a fine episode it was.


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