off to T.O.
..via Calgary. With a 9AM flight time, after deciding to drive to Calgary by myself and not put A. through driving me 3 hours to the airport and 3 hours back, I would do the park and fly thing. Pretty expensive, between 8 and 10 dollars a day to leave your car at a lot, and a weekly rate of at least 50. That, and the added fun of being on the road at 4AM, driving for three hours and flying for four-hours-plus.
We decided I should go tonight instead, and I found an airport hotel that has free parking for the week. I like that better..for about $10 more, I get to drive tonight, sleep til 6AM or so, have a free continental breakfast, and get the shuttle to the airport.
Toast and Marmy are worth it..I need this break. :)
Wow, the things you (and your wife) are willing to do to visit us. We're touched, we're honoured...we're really going to have to clean the place up before you arrive.
oops, editing ht post..after deciding a. would NOT be driving be 3 hours each way...don't clean too much, i won't recognize the place :p
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