Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Going to Toronto to visit Toast and Marmy in a little over two weeks. I can't wait. I'm doing my best to stay busy and keep my mood up while I'm here doing nothing, but it is tough. The trip to see friends will be awesome. A distraction.

I'm obsessed with checking out travel deals right now, even though the sensible part of me knows we can't afford to go anywhere. Ideally, this would be a great time to go and see the places I've always wanted to go, or go to again, since there's no pesky work, and thus no needing to book and count vacation days. Then again, when on EI you're not supposed to leave your "area of residnece" or else you're considered not available for work, and it can affect your benefits if they find out, but we're talking hypothetically here anyway.

If we had an excess of money in the bank, it would be great for both of us to head for Florida, Vegas, or just about anywhere for a week. Just to be distracted.

Of course, Allie is working now, and we can't do it for that reason. Any trip we take for more than a few days would mean boarding the pets, and believe me, that is not a cheap propositon when you have as many as we do.

So, yeah, I guess we're not going anywhere, other than my solo trp to T.O. I can dream, though.


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