two more
Well, saw Ray and Hotel Rwanda in my effort to see the Best Picture nominees. Attempted to see Million Dollar Baby, but once it was in Spanish. Go figure.
Ray was good. Hotel Rwanda was excellent. Movies like this get the message out there that these horrible things have occurred, and things just like it are still occurring as we speak. It's frustrating, infuriating, and so much more.
Oh yeah, and though I vowed not to see it, A. and I watched Catwoman. It is also frustrating and infuriating, although that was because it exists. It joins the ranks of "I wish I had that time back" movies. I didn't hate it like some movies, I just found it a total waste. Blankman, The Flintstones, Cheaper by The Dozen..these ones, I HATED.
If I had a time machine, among the things I'd do (after the prerequisite lottery win and drowning Celine Dion in a pail of warm water at birth) would be to somehow prevent these movies, and others, from ever being made.
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