Wednesday, March 23, 2005

well, damn

Timing is everything. I'm not sure exactly what kind of timing would have made a difference for this one, b ut I'm sure had I discovered it sooner, and was about 6 months ahead of schedule, this may have been acheivable, but oh well.

Remember back when I had applied for a lighting tech training spot at the Banff Centre? I figured that if I hadn't heard by now, I probably didn't make the cut, so the logistics of gettig training in Banff to better my chances at a job at the Esplanade wouldn't have to be dealt with.

They called yesterday.

I made the short list, but not for the original lighting tech position, the one that paid the stipend while attending. I was being considered for the more entry-level Thatre Craft position, with an emphasis in lighting. This one pays nothing, though receives a full scholarship including room and board. The other one paid the stipend, but charged for food and lodging.

The stipend would have given at least something to be sticking in the bank to help pay bills back in Medicine Hat while I stayed in Banff to learn. Not an ideal situation, but something we had discussed and agreed to as a small sacrifice in the great scheme of things.

There's no way, however, I could commit to 3 months of no income AND be away from home. So I respectfully removed myself from their list, and to move on to the next candidate who may be in more of a position to take the spot.

It hurt to do it. If I'd found this a few months earlier, I may have been able to arrange to keep collecting my EI while training, and pulled it off. But alas, not to be.

I can add the Banff Centre to the list of things, including going to a comic art college, that I almost did.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not moping too badly about this. The other reason I didn't take it was that I have bigger plans, including my BA, and working as theatre tech, even in the short term, is such a small factor that the sacrifice wouldn't be worth it. I have a bigger goal in mind.

Nice to know I made the cut, even if I couldn't take advantage of the opportunity.

I didn't really want to spend 3 months away from my wife and pets, and that's the truth.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

Had a week of no internet at home but now we are on DSL.

Tomorrow I will start blogging again.

And maybe send Eric an email.

Maybe even you.



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