According to this news site,and I quote:
As late as 1903, at the death of Pope Leo XIII, a pope's death was verified by striking the pontiff's forehead with a silver hammer. It may also have been used on John XXIII, who died in 1963, according to America weekly's website.
I wish someone would whack Michael Jackson on the head with a sledgehammer.
I hope the new Pope will be slightly more liberal, and able to bring the RC's into modern times.
People ask me what I am. I say I was raisd Catholic, and I guess because of that, I still feel I am, although I have major issues with many aspects of the church. I haven't talked about it much for many years, so this may surprise some of you.
I have lots of issues with all organized religion, still feeling that whatever you have is between you and God at the end of the day, and other people don't really have much to say about it. But, people need to learn somewhere, if they feel that driving need to ask questions. So, where. I don't know. Who's right, who's wrong. We'll find out someday.
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