Despite CTV News reporting that he has unofficially died, Fark reports the following:
Papal update: Pope apparently less dead than previously indicated. Church has removed ad from RomeItalyPopeWanted Dot Com.
Gotta love everone trying to be the first to break the story. reminds me of the time some station ran a "Queen Mum Has Died" story by mistake, since they keep them prepped and ready to go at any time. The college did the same thing for tribute videos for Grant MacEwan, so there wouldn't be any lag time between his going and the tribute availability.
Just had a thought..maybe he was aving a nap, and someone cracked him one with hammer? "I'm not dead yet..I'm getting better..."
Bored and lonely...
so thought I'd read your blog. Your comments remain witty as ever and timely.
Check my photoblog or drop a line when you're able.
T. Destiny
aka suspicious chick
We were on Pope Death Watch at work from Thursday night onward. On Friday, we were all a bit "desensitized" to what was happening. We were contemplating starting a pool as to the hour of death, making very bad jokes like "If this Pope is John Paul, does that mean the next one is George Ringo?"
During the later part of the afternoon, while watching masses from around the city and the Vatican, the audio fished out his carts of Monty Python movies.
When a priest wave his hand over the Chalice we heard ""O Lord bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy."
Every time we saw an image of the pope, we heard "I'm not dead yet." When NBC reported he had died and had to retract the statement we heard "I'm getting better! No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment."
Yup, we are all going to hell.
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