Took me long enough, but I finally wrote my first quiz for Psyc 290, my corespondence course from Athabasca University. The multple choice questions were graded immediately..28/30 or 93 percent. Not too shabby. Just have to wait for my assigned tutor to grade the short answer questions. I'm not a good corespondence student, I do better in a classroom environment with a good instructor. I's taken me too long to get over the mental block of home study and just do the damn exam. I will try to do the rest in a more timely fashion, and it should be easier now.
When I finish this, it will be 3 courses down towards a BA. It's not much, but a good start. I'm hoping that I can be at Medicine Hat College full-time this fall to finish up my first year (and if I can squeeze in two more courses, either through Athabasca or elsewhere, I'll be a year and a half in by this time next year).
If I end up getting a decent job this summer, I will likely keep it and concentrate on getting us in better shape financially, and stick with PT courses, and save FT school for next year. I kinda have a long term goal now, but it depends on my marks when the BA is done. I wish I could fast-forward the process, and be done the BA in like two or three years in order to get going on Phase Two, and thus be on the way to an actual career again, not just the jobs to pass time and make money that I've been after since moving here.
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