I really should get cracking again on:
1) My Psych course. Have only finished the first unit. Got sidetracked by job hunting and mood. I am not a good correspondence student. I need a classroom with a good instructor.
2) My Medicine Hat College application. I applied..got the "Thank you, now send us your transcripts and talk to a counsellor." Went online to the ol' AB gov and tried to send my transcripts..after jumping through all their hoops, verifying my identity, something doesn't add up and they won't let me log in to the final stage of the request. Told me to call the help desk. Haven't done that yet.
The job thing has me a bit derailed about starting school full-time this September. I want to, I really do, but I don't think it will be financially possible. Leaning towards working for a year to pay off debts and be semi-ready to go at it next fall, as I am not geting any younger, and full-time, my current educational plan will be six years, at least. Hence my delay..I kinda think "why bother right now?"
3) Writing. These screenplays I have half-formed in my head aren't going to wrtie themselves, at least not until I sit down and try to get them out. All the ups and downs and uncertainty of things for me this past year have not put me in a writing mood. I always feel I should be doing something else, yet I never really do anything else. As the Psych course efforts will attest to, I have no discipline for such things, either.
4) Drawing and Painting- see Writing.
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