So, with the trip to Florida coming up, here's the deal. We're flying out of Calgary, it was the only way to use air miles for all four seats. We have to drive to Edmonton, drop off the dogs to A's mom, collect my sister and nephew, and drive back to Calgary two or three hours before our 10AM flight.
I've been looking at the airport hotel park and fly deals, like when I went to T.O. in February, so we don't have to leave Edmonton at 5AM or earlier on the day of the trip. Since we'd have to pay a park and fly to park the car anyways, for a few bucks more, why not stay the night? Worked before.
Only thing is, the hotel I stayed at in February was about $70. Same hotel for the dates I checked in July is $150 or more. Trust me, it wasn't that wasn't even worth $70.
Just figured out why it and every other hotel I've checked so far is so bloody expensive. We are park-and-flying during the good old Calgary Stampede.
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