Wednesday, May 11, 2005

When I didn't hear from the RCMP right away, I was expecting a letter within the next couple of weeks, thanking me for my interest and wishing me the best in my future endeavours. When the letter never came, I thought, geez, not even a PFO.

Today I got a phone call.

I'm hired.

Half-time position, pro rated from around $35,000, so basically 1/2 of what I made at the college. Flexible hours, leaves me room to find a supplemental job.

I am loopy, I feel so good about this right now. This is the one I wanted, the one I felt I had a real shot at.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers on that one.

Now, what else has been going on? Paper route is rolling along. Collecting is a bitch, but thankfully, most are paid in the office, so very few to try and shake down for their $7.40 every two weeks. Meeting all kinds of characters, likeable and not.

Remember our leather funriture? (Refresher- it was purchased under the false pretense that it was so durable, that trimmed cat claws wouldn't damage it, which we found out to be completely false. Also the wood underneath the armrests crunched and cracked every time you put weight on them.)

Well, we returned it, and waffled between getting more furniture or maybe just a couch and buying a new washer and dryer, since ours were in the nighbourhood of 30-40 years old, and occasionally sounding pretty bad during cycles, especially the washer. We opted for the furniture, thinking, we need something to sit on now, and why replace the appliances while they still work. We'll wait for them to conk out.

One conked out. The washer decided that one must go through much frustation and knob-wiggling (no, not that kind, though we were ready to try anything) in order to get the tub to drain after the wash cycle. So we got a new washer and dryer, and due to our basement being finished around the already sitting-there appliances, we almost had them dropped on the main floor, and I was wondering how much it was going to cost to convert our back porch into a main-floor laundry room.

Luckily, the delivery guys from the Brick here in the Hat were totally awesome at what they do, and they managed to get the new ones down our narrow stairs and into the laundry room, with no room to spare. The doorway was 27" wide, the appliances were the same. Barely squeaked through. The main floor laundry can wait a few years.

Life goes we have to try to figure out what to do with our back yard.


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...


Welcome to the Clerking world. Hope you got your red pumps and knee pads ready!

I am soooo happy for you.

You rock!

At 4:54 PM, Blogger c & d said...

yay!! see, patience will always win out!! and kudos for sticking out your route. i gave mine up before it even started. i'll tell ya about it later though. later mon oncle!!

At 8:48 AM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

Mmkay, you are telling me you made close to $70,000 at Grant McEwan?!!! Yer kidding me.
Man, I have got to get a job in a college or University...
mutter mutter mumble mumble

Oh, congrats too.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

no, no...around 35 at McE. Around 17 now for 20 hours per week. College and University support staff positions will never make you rich, but they pay just well enough and have decent enough benefots to make it really tough to find anything comparable (hence my imprisonment there for nine years)

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Toasty said...

you are going to make 35k for a parttime job? GAH ! I think I know where I should start applying.

p.s. congrats. just don't sleep with the boss.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Again, no, no, no, 35 pro rated to half time, so 17,5 or so.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Arbitrarium said...

So what that's like 70K at the college? Why'd ya ever leave.

Just me being a jackass like always.

Way to go on the job.

Just thought you might like to know that Myra is now working in part time av mike's job as he "left".

Poor Myra.

At 6:48 AM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

So..uh..that's...47 Milliion to work 3 hours a year as a crack whore.....

Mike 'LEFT'? Hmmm..sounds suspicious..not at Grant Mac!?! Nah!! That'd never happen.

At 11:46 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hmm, nobody told me about AV Mike. I always wondered about him. There were some questions and issues that were never addressed...until now?


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