Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Yay, got a Calgary airport hotel booked for semi-reasonable rates, and can leave the car there while we go to Florida. No complimentary continental breakfast, but we can get toast anywhere. Insert digs at tbit in the comments.

Also yay, getting the third step of the interview process at London Drugs, then will likely have the "faceless corporation with less flexibility, slightly higher wage in an area closer, but not exactly, in my area of knowledge" versus "lower paying, but smaller, flexible employer, in completely unfamiliar territory, but feeling like I am learning and actually getting to be valued, and heckuva nice crew to work with" decision to make.

The part of me that jumps to poorly thought out decisions without considering the stretched-too-thin scenario has me thinking, "I wonder if I could do both, at least until the RCMP gets me on board. Or even after."

This is the same part of me that thought delivering the Calagry newspapers here in the Hat would be a great idea for the extra $750 per month it would pay, except for the fact that we did it one morning to try it out, and it took many hours and lots of gas to boot, since the deliveries had to be done by car due to the distance between subscribers.

Needless to say, that was a one-day gig, not to be repeated.


At 10:10 AM, Blogger c & d said...

ahhh, the trials and tribulations of newspaper delivery... at least you tried it out. i, on the other hand, went screaming in the other direction.

p.s. are you still up for making some "puppet c" and maybe a "puppet d" for florida?

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

The puppet family!?! It's alive!! Alive!!!!


At 1:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I will do my best...:)


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