Thursday, June 16, 2005

Finally, an update from the RCMP. I go in Monday for ONE MORE interview, the security interview, and to be fingerprinted. I also start training at London Drugs next week.

Friday was supposed to be my last day at Co-op, but he had me scheduled til Saturday for some reason. I need Friday and Saturday off to go to my followup eye appointment in Calgary, so in getting those off, I foolishly agreed to help out a bit next week too, while he is on holidays and they are short staffed. I was supossed to do Wednesday, but that interefers with LD training, and I will work next Saturday for them. I wish I could go back to when I told him I was leaving, and he asked if I was staying the weekend, and instead, I said I was giving the full two-weeks notice. Oh, if I had only said weekend or one-week. I don't even want to go waste my time there anymore.

Can I please fast forward to the vacation, run it in slow-mo so it feels like I'm there for two months instead of two weeks, then come back to gainful employment?


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