Sunday, June 26, 2005

First impressions..LD is going to be boring, corporate crap. If Co-op wasn't so boring and minimum-wage plus commission, I would now be thinking I made a mistake by leaving. I honestly coulsn't have handled the boredom, and the money was so lame.

LD on the other hand, is so corporate ddriven, so "sell-sell-sell", and apparently almost as boring. Not much traffic, and this is pretty disappointing.

I am not cut out for this retail nonsense anymore. RCMP, please call soon..Esplanade, please hire me and get me out of retail hell.


At 5:31 AM, Blogger Toasty said...

London Drugs right? A competitor to Shoppers right? What kind of mentality can they seriously expect? It's a freaking convenience store that sells prescriptions! And you said something about an AV Dept -- please explain.

At 7:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

MOre of a competitor to Wal-Mart, actually, in the variety of stuff they carry.

Most London Drugs have a vey good camera department, which has been expanded to "Photo-electronics", it's actually a good-sized and well stocked electronics department. Newer stores, this has been taken a step further, with the AVS department, Audio Video Systems, where I am. Basically, your mini-Future Shop inside of LD.

I opted for this over Co-op, figuring at least it would be busier, and projection TV's and home theatre are at least something I can talk semi-knowledgably about, as opposed to furniture and appliances, where I was "Well, it's a couch.."

It's not that busy, and I guess I was unprepared for the big box mentality.

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

Just start playing German shit porn on the AV equuipment. Then you'll get your traffic.


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