Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I have given my noice to the newspaper..thanks for the few bucks and the good excercise, it was fun, seeya later. July 2 will be my last day up at 4:30 AM, as it coincides with the end of a two-week collection period, the closest one to the Florida departure. Depending on how sleep deprived the route will leave me once I have the RCMP and either London Drugs or Co-op at the same time, I had considered just taking the two weeks off for the trip, and keeping the route up until maybe October, but the deciding factor is the collecting.

Most of the subscribers are "paid in office", which is how it should be, as it is more convenient for everyone involved. But, this being an older age group town, it seems seniors would rather maintain "the old days" where the paperboy comes by every two weeks to collect. There is also a healthy smattering of younger, paycheck-to-paycheck homeowners, who seem to have trouble scraping up $7.40 at a time for two-weeks worth of papers, let alone trying to pay up a month or three in advance.

Collecting is a pain. People aren't home, they don't have any money, they want to pay cash instead of check, therefore I need to bring change with me..feh. Who needs it? One of my subscribers (whom we call Crazy Larry, he of the handshake that can crush billiard balls and other people's hands alike) gave me a good idea while I was collecting..he prefers to leave his payment in his mailbox for me to pick up every months or so (and he pays a few weeks in advance.) He tips pretty good too, wish they all did, to make up for the rest of the aggravation.

But I digress..I made up some notes last time to drop off to the subs I did not collect from in person, asking them to do the same, and that worked pretty fine. This time, I'm not even bothering with going door to door, and jumping right to the notes and envelopes. We'll see how that works, starting tomorrow.

It only makes sense. I'm at their houses between 4:30 and 5:30 AM every day anyways, why bother going back and trying to catch them in the evenings, when both they and I probably have things we'd all rather be doing.

Besides, I can pretty much categorize the collect subs into the following-
1) friendly and nice to deal with, 2) rude and unpleasant and 3) friggin weirdos.


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