Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Yeah, lasik surgery is weird, alright. Very unnerving to lose feeling in your eyeball, lie down on the table, and feel the speculum going in to keep you from blinking. You still blink, but your eye doesn't close. You stare at the now vastly out-of-focus red flashing light, then you really do lose your vision for 30 seconds or so while the suction ring goes on. Darkness creeps in from the outside..very unnerving. Then the sound of the keratome, which is less like a gentle hum, and more, in my mind, like a Dremel tool. I'll have to try and find out what it looks like and how it cuts,exactly.

Vision comes back, and you can actually see them flip up the flap, as if you're staring at a blurry red light through water, and a transparent door is flipped upwards. Then comes the burning hair smell. The flap comes down, and it's done. repeat for as many eyes as you happen to have. Generally, that would be two.

One hour of recovery in a dark room wearing sunglasses. A checkup, by which point, the numbing drops are weaing off and the eye is beginning to itch. Then out the door. It must look like some kind of "They Live" secret society, all these people with identical sunglasses exiting the building every ten minutes or so.

The next hour was bad, the worst part of the experience. The drive to A's cousin's house, my eyes began tearing up, blurring, and I couldn't keep them open. It was brutal, like being in a sandstorm. In the house, more drops, and as they recommended (and I wouldn't have wanted to do anything else), as many hours of sleep as I could manage.

Recovery has been swell since then. Vision is really good, just a little light sensitive, and minor halos from bright objects, especially at night. Friday is the 1 week checkup, and any sweling should be down considerably by then, as I've been a good boy and have administered the required 4 types of eyedrops as scheduled.

I keep looking for my glasses...


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