Thursday, July 07, 2005

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Meet Napoleon.

Whatcha gonna do today, Napoleon? Whatever the heck I feel like doing. Gosh!

We always say that we're suckers for sad cases, and that despite having 9 cats, there is always room at the inn for a special case.  Here's one.  This big fella turned up on our doorstep, blind as a bat, with a coat that was one big matted clump from shoulderblades to tail.  His eyes really look like that, totally clouded over.

We figure he can tell light from dark, and maybe see foggy shapes, but not much else.  He is a complete cuddlebug, he loves attention, never stops purring, and needs to be in contact with you all the time.  How could anyone let such a sweet, big guy get in that shape is beyond me.


At 9:49 AM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

Poor kitty. Have you taken him to a vet? He looks like he has cateracts which if removed, might give him so sight back. He stumbled to the right house.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

According to the vet, cataracts and glaucoma. She didn't mention anything about surgery, though (not that we could afford it, anyways).

It's amazing how adaptable he is, or seems to have become from dealing with it. He steps around verytentatively, using his whiskers and hearing to feel his environment as much as he can..he steps very carefully, and sticks to what he knows.

He prefers the spare room ("his" room), though now he ventures across the hall into ours, and back when he feels like it.

He's a cool little guy.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Toasty said...

Napolean kinda looksl like Doc right?

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Despite the long hair, Napoleon looks VERY much like Doc...


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