Friday, July 29, 2005

My dad's service was very nice. It meant the world to my family and I to see not only family, but our friends there as well.

On a happier note, I realize I haven't given you an update on "This Week In Doctor Tongue". The old man has completely rebounded, and ate my mother-in-law out of house and home while we were away. He has de-aged, and doesn't look a day over 12 right now. He is active, NOISY and DEMANDING, and his coat is as healthy as it has been in a year or so. Stupid cat.

Just realized how funny it would look if someone's internet connection died, and stopped the text of this post at the exact point, "The old man has completely rebounded, and ate my mother-in-law"

Bad kitty.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

I just realized I should have hopped a plane and come to the service. Sorry I was not there. I did think about you and the service yesterday. I will be in Edmonton early August returning to Winnipeg after Doc's wedding on August 11. I come back in on the Friday and I was thinking of sticking around for Saturday, if you were interested in seeing me. I could fly back on Sunday, even. Lots of hanging out potential. Check your schedule and let me know. It would involve me staying at your mom's place.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

No worries, my friend, I would not expect you to head out for that. Better to save it for a time when we can hang out properly. I am not sure if I will be able to make it back to Edmonton so soon, with work and would be grand to see you though. WIll you call you when we get back to the Hat.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Toasty said...

you just made me snort on the screen...

*wipe wipe*


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