Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Even when you hire movers, moving is hell. I have never been so glad to see anything disappear in my rear view mirror as I was on Sunday afternoon, watching Medicine Hat get smaller and smaller.

Had our house inpescted, and it needs some stuff done..time to get handy. We actually thought about kiboshing the deal, but we will go ahead and take it, and do the work. Our realtor tried to get them to come down a bit more in price, but no go. It was worth a try. It really is a seller's market.

Within hours, we should get our final mortgage approval and be able to finalize the deal.

Are you bored yet? I am.

I feel like I should get passionate about something and really have something to write about. *sigh* I just have too many big little things causing me stress right now. It will be so nice to have this over with. We will celebrate with a biiiig party to put it all to rest, let me tell you.


At 12:44 PM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

Remember to invite puppet mike to the party.

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Toasty said...

is he still alive? where has he been lately?

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Puppet Mike has been resting peacefully in my sock drawer of all places. I can't quite recall how he got in there, but thank god it wasn't my underwear drawer.

Maybe he was pissed at me for not finding him before the Florida trip.

He will re-emerge for the party...


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