Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Well, we put in an offer on a house on Monday after driving around and viewing a couple..however, the owners are somewhere netween crazy and greedy, and wouldn't come down to what we're prepared to pay, so we've moved on from that one.

We saw several more yesterday, and left a bit discouraged, same basic reasons..the houses just aren't worth what they owners think, but if the market demands it, then I guess they are. We looked at one that we kind of wrote off, but today, we began thinking it is worth a second look, and becuase of the price, maybe we should jump on it. It isn't perfect, but very acceptable, and it won't last.h
We may leave for Medicine Hat with a deal in place. WHo knows...we may get there tonight and find it already gone, or find a reason not to pursue it. We'll know more in a few hours...


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