I had a bit of a panic yesterday as I was calling the dogs in from their crap-break. Molly came in..no Buzz. I called again..no Buzz. I went out into the yard, checked the two places I can't see from the step..no Buzz. I called again, the panic in my voice clearly discernable to Allie and CBT Dave, who was over for a visit..and I saw movement on the wrong side of the fence. Buzz had gotten out of the yard, and thankfully, totally unlike him, didn't go running as far as possible in the shortest amount of time, as he usually does when he gets out. I called him to the gate, and in he came. I thought I figured out how he got out, so did a quick fix, but resolved to supervise them for the next few times they went outside.
This morning, let them out, and took my eyes off them for TWO SECONDS..and Molly was alone in the yard again. He was on the same side of the same fence as yesterday..called him back in the gate, which was still in the temp-fixed position I had left it..he hadn't gotten out there.
I figured it out this time, so I have some fence work to do before I can trust them out there again. Stupid dogs.
Rob, I read your posts with great delight. It sounds all so peacefully suburban. I found out what my boss makes off my 50 hours of sweating labor with these kids and I just about fainted! Thanks for the uplift.
It is suburbabn, isn't it? Sometimes I bore myself, but hey, until I get allmotivated and editorial, the blog is my journal, my newsletter to the poeple I don't talk to or e-mail frequently, serving as a "Hey, this is what is going on, and what I'm thinking about".
I'm glad I fixed that space in the fence, as we had a doggie visitor in the allwy last night, and had Buzz been able to get out of the yard, there would have been trouble...
allwy? That should be alley..
I might be an English Teacher but I promise not to pcki on your spelling... if you don't pcki on mine. :)
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