Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Rescued another stray dog on the way home from work today. The closest thing to breed I can come up with is mostly Border Collie, and maybe a trace of German Shepherd and/or Rottweiler in there for good measure. He was chowing down on whatever was left in the bottom of a Dairy Queen bag as I turned the corner.

I pulled over, and he basically came right to me. He was cold, though not dirty or underfed, so I don't think he had been out for too long. No collar, so no way for me to do very much. I got him into the car (he was happy to go fact, he was just plain happy about everything.) and took him to the closest vet, hoping that he had a microchip or tattoo, or at the very least, maybe he was a client there and they'd recognize him. Nope on all counts, but the vet said they'd keep him, warm him up, feed him and call the pound.

Hopefully the owners are looking for him. I don't think he'll have any trouble getting adopted if not. He was a sweetie, if we didn't have our two idiots at home, I would have kept him.


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

Ah, Mano. You are St. Francis of Assisi reborn, aren't you.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

If he kept coming across stray dogs, then yes, I guess I am...


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