Sunday, January 08, 2006

I am up far too early for a Sunday morning. Molly's drain out of her wound..she's doing fine. Must wear the cone for another week or so until the stitches come out. Buzz is also fine, no ill effects from his bitten face.

Doctor Tongue went into the vet as well..he's been under the weather, but overall not bad, so they did a geriatric blood screen on him to look for obous problems, we should find out Monday or Tuesday what it shows, if anything. Trying new food for him too, to ump start his appetite with an appealing, yet mild food. Maybe what we've been giving him is too rich for his old system. Need to ut some weight back on the old guy..he weighed in at 8.2 lbs yesterday..not as light as his sick weight last summer of 7.6 lbs, but a far cry from his humungous days of 18+ lbs. I'd be happy to see him at over 9 lbs now, myself. Hey, he's 16 and a half, he's entitled to wiegh whatever he wants, as long as he's healthy.

Saw Mirrormask last night, the movie by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, most famous for their work on DC's The Sandman.

Dave McKean painted a movie. He really did. It was a unique movie experience for me. It was so...visual, that is the only word for it. The story itself was second to the visuals, and while that is usually bad, in a special effects laden movie, here, it worked. Every shot in the dreamworld was like a McKean painting. The story was just a fairytale to give an excuse for seeing what we're seeing.

There was something missing, however, but not from the movie. We all agreed it was just inherently wrong to be seeing a Gaiman/McKean-made movie without Mike present. That'll teach you to move to Winnipeg. I'm not exactly sure how our missing him will teach him that, but this is my blog, I can say whatever I want. Bleah.

We did miss the opportunity to bring Puppet Mike out to a movie, though. I even have new, 3-D, Puppet Mike, Artist Edition, that could have made the trip. Ah, next time.


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