Sunday, February 19, 2006

Zombithon, although more of a zombie double-feature, was fun. Missing were Dave and Eric, absent for various reasons, making me think I should do it again, sooner rather than later. The two movies we did make it through were Cemetery Man and Wild Zero.

Wild Zero was cheesy zombie fun, not a great movie by any stretch, but goofy fun.

Cemetery Man bit the big one. How this film made various "Top Ten Zombie Movies" lists is beyond me. Started out promising, but apart from having zombies in it, it isn't really a zombie movie. I was wishing it would end about an hour in.

I've got to get writing my own zombie last count I have about six different ideas to try and expand into full stories.

I'm glad I don't have to go to work Monday...I love long weekends.

Saw Brokeback Mountain tonight..good film. I was really impressed with Heath Ledger's performance..I always had him pegged as a dim-witted skin puppet, but he proved he's an honest-to-goodness actor, and I think he deserves every award and nomination he gets for this role.

Also seeing the film makes me want to fast-forward to summer, when we hope to spend a bit of time in the mountains. Without the gay sex, of course.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Michael Joyal said...

I wish I could quit you!!!

At 3:01 PM, Blogger who's this and the what now? said...

I'm never seeing that movie! Ever!

At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read that some men who refuse to see it secretly wish they could star in it...

At 7:49 PM, Blogger Nastyboy said...

I refuse to see it too, but only because Randy Quaid is in it. And because it really didn't have Bert and Ernie in it.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger who's this and the what now? said...

No no no you misunderstand, I don't like cowboys I work with Native People. You hate me cause I'm brown! Actually I hate most people especially the cowboy and hockey player type race!

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There should be a gay hockey movie. The gloves come off, fight fight fight..kiss kiss kiss.


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