Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Our friends have Hurricane Katrina kittens. A rescue society went to New Orleans and came home with, among others, a pregnant momma cat, who gave birth last week. Unable to nurse, our friends are bottle feeding the little critters.

We went to see them last night. So cute! And sad, but it looks like most of them will make it. Allie started to cry as soon as she saw them..but this is par for the course. The conversation went something like this:

Allie: (Cries)

Jodie: Don't cry, be happy, they're doing much better

Allie: I cry at everything these days.

Me: She cried during Battlestar Galactica on Saturday.

Jodie: (laughs) Really? Was it sad?

Allie: No.

Me: They dedicated a fighter to the sick president.

She also got weepy last night during the Historica Minute on the Halifax Explosion.

I love her. I wonder if, a year from now, when all the pregnancy hormones are all gone, if she'll still cry during commercials and such?


At 8:20 AM, Blogger Toasty said...

no, then it will be your turn man :)


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