Monday, March 13, 2006

This weekend:

Finished Word Level 2..some stuff in there that I don't believe I will ever use, yet did not know, and hopefully, will assist in helping students when they try to use some of these features.

Saw a kid somewhere around the age of two-to-three years old toddling around by himself as we left the house yesterday. He had gotten ablock or more away from his house, unsupervised. We watched him for a bit to see if he was heading to or from his house (to, as it turned out). A neighbour confirmed that this was his house, and banged on the door/repeatedly rang the doorbell to alert whoever was home that their child had gotten out. A second child, a brother or cousin, was discovered a few minutes later. "Mom" finally came to the door, and without even a thank you, yelled at her kids to get in the house. Fine welfare mom parenting at work.

Oh yeah, Season premiere of The Sopranos.

I was finding the episode a little dry, until the end.

Holy Shit.

That was a shock.

It's hard not to look forward to something you enjoy, but the danger is hvaing it fail to meet your unrealistically high expectations. I have to say though, it is good to have it back when there are so few shows I actually like to watch anymore.


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