Week two of courses..Word Level 2 this time. Looking forward to learning more. Tired though..the classes run 6:15-9:45 on Fridays, 8:30-4:30 on Saturday, 8:30-noon on Sunday. Weekend is pretty much shot. Plus, after a full week of work, losing the weekend is an adjustment. Then, do it two weeks in a row..I know, whine, whine, whine, but that's where I'm at right now. I'm not complaining..I'm glad to be here..but I'm tired, damnit!
Keeping the cell phone on vibrate these days while I'm in things like this..never know when Little Miss Holly might decide to say "I'm on my way!"
Back at it...oh yeah, and I DID learn not to read Alien Loves Predator while class is in session..breaks are OK, but luaghing out loud, or stifling such during class is not a good thing.
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