Saturday, April 15, 2006

Heavy contractions all day today, worsening during Easter Dinner at my mom's, so in to the hospital we went. As I write this, I am at home feeding the pets, because it could be a long night. She is in labour, the doctor said she could labour at home, or stay at the hospital, and to get things moving, if she stayed, they'd probably break her water. She enthusiastically said to go for it. So, not sure if that will be in a matter of minutes or hours, but things are rolling. Looks like an Easter baby after all...will post as soon as I can.



At 10:20 AM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

I think you should re-think Holly and go for Bunny.

Yay! The O'Keefe egg is hatching on Easter! Will be watching for updates.


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