Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nothing yet. In fact, the utter lack of activity on the contraction front has our hopes up that this is the calm before the storm, maybe? *sigh* OK, I admit it, we're getting impatient. I left work yesterday in a flurry of "Am I stressed? Do I look stressed? I finally feel stressed.."

Felt horrible last night. I'll spare you the gory details, I'll just call it a headache and really upset stomach and leave it at that, and no better this morning, so didn't go in to work. Should be fine tomorrow. All the better for getting the update on what's happening with my job. Closing date was Monday. I hope no one else applied, but that's not anything can control, so I'm prepared to go through the whole interview process.

Time to go poke Allie's belly again and say "Hurry up,Holly!"


At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there
can't believe how close you guys are to meeting your little bundle of joy. i've still got 4 weeks to go and we are getting really impatient now too. give allie our love and i'll check the website regularly for updates!!
love, katherine, stuart and 'bump' xxx

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Get ready (both of you) for the longest 4 weeks of your life!!


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