Saturday, April 01, 2006

Working a rare Saturday today..and again next week. It isn't so bad, only 11-4, and only twice. Arbitrarium Dave, who has been working Saturdays all year, is off to Japan for just over two weeks, and not coming back to the Saturday gig after his holiday. We get to go technical-staff-free on Easter weekend, and the one after Easter wil be covered by my co-worker Jaiye. That will bring us to the end of the Winter term at the old College, and we'll be closed Saturdays until September, when we'll have to try and hire someone for that one-day-per-week shift.

Foggy and chilly in Edmonton this morning. Tomorrow will be my houswork day, to do all he stuff I've been neglecting these last few weekends, as well as the stuff that got ignored during and after the emergency visit of this past week.

The dogs are still being really good. They don't take as much reminding as I thought they would. We still have to be consistent and fairly stern with them, but it is surprising when they do something right without being told. Good dogs. Arf.

Speaking of the winter term, my term position at the college will end one month after that, but I hope it will be a seamless transisition into full-time. The job was supposed to be posted this past Wednesday, but it did not appear on the College website. Nor did it appear Thursday or Friday. I'm not concerned, they have to post it so I can apply for it, and I am confident they want me to fill it. I just want to get it over with as soon as possible. Baby Holly needs extended health benefits.

Geez, in less than a month, I will have TWO dependants to put on that health care plan. Still freaks me out when I put it like that. Daddy. Me. Yeek.


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