Monday, May 08, 2006

Sunday morning was a "Holly-and-Daddy" morning. I got up with her while Allie slept in, I got the bottle ready, fed her, burped her, changed an extremely disgusting diaper (not my first, and definitely not my last), and basically, the two of us just hung out all morning. She was wide awake and alert, and just stared at things while I read the paper and took lots of pictures of her.

Not that I haven't done all of those things at different times already, this was just the first time I did them all, without having the available backup to say "Here!" and hand her off to Allie. :)

The funniest part was the not-uncommon occurence of getting the poopy diaper all cleaned up, getting her sleepers back on her, and realizing that somehere along the line, she peed on the new diaper, too, and it leaked all over the sleepers, as well as the blanket she was on, prompting starting all over again.

I know the diaper stories will really have those of you without kids saying to yourselves, "I gotta get me one of those!!"


At 4:12 PM, Blogger who's this and the what now? said...

Actually the diaper stories are good birth control! Thanks Rob!

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Toasty said...

oh yeah that is happening right now, dontcha know???


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Nastyboy said...

I know the diaper stories will really have those of you without kids saying to yourselves, "I gotta get me one of those!!"

The stores are OK, the pictures of said diapers you take and feel the urge to show everyone are another matter.


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