Yeah, been a little light on the posting lately.
Canada Day was great, took an extra day and had a four-day weekend. Had the family and some friends over for a bbq and tried to see what fireworks we could from the backyard. We could hear them pretty good.
Holly is growing like a weed. I shaved my head again. We look similar. Pictures to follow.
I found out about the Comic Book Challenge about 4 days before the closing deadline for entries, so I spent three days thinking about how to quickly present my two main ideas that have been kicking around my head for a couple of years, and a few hours writing up plot summaries and drawing slightly-better-than-stick-figures to complete the "story and one full page of art" requirement for entry. Sent them in on the closing date. I wonder how many entries they got?
I was kind of hoping I would be one of the 50 semi-finalists who got invited to go to San Diego (at their own expense) to pitch the idea to the owner of Platinum Studios, a comic industry guy, a reviewer, and the producer of (among other things) Terminator 2 and Armageddon.
The prize- well, from the 50, the panel picks three finalists..for three days, the finalists ideas are posted on the Comic Book Challenge website for fan voting, and the tp vote-getter gets their idea fully developed as a comic, and marketed around for film/tv/other media opportunities.
Alas, if I haven't heard anything from them by now, a week before the pitch day, then I likely won't. Oh well, it got me thinking about these projects again..maybe I can follow up by doing something with them.
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