Thursday, February 08, 2007

I love this article.

While I don't have the same passionate feelings about the iPod as the author, due to the fact I was never all that attached to albums as the author of this article, I still agree with his assessment of the white-headphoned masses, since I work in a place where people who come to ask me for technical support can't even be bothered to remove them while they're talking to me..if I'm lucky, they'll take out one.

What I do passionately hate is MySpace. It's as the author handing a Geocities template to the mentally handicapped. And I really hate that when you're trying to look something up on google, you end up with a thousand links to mentions of whatever it I'm looking for on all these freaking idiots' MySpace pages.

Die, MySpace..die horribly.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

the funny thing is that i rarely download anything but albums. i am exactly the kind of person who is killing music. kids who only liked one song never bought albums. they recorded them on crappy casettes and never heard an entire album. or they got them from columbia house and never listened to the rest of the songs.

about the only time i DL singles and put them on any of the three devices i own that play MP3s is when i am going to websites and DLing "best of" track lists and building a playlist from it. its like the mixtape of the 21st century. DL the songs, delete the ones you don't like. make your own mixes from 9 other people's mixes.

yeah MySpace sucks. I had a page on the first 6 months they were open and they sucked then too. no matter what people said, it didn't start as a music page -- that was incidental. i found it to be the Friendster of personal webpages. you would not believe the number of people who show up in my stats just because they are stealing the link to one of my images. annoying as all fuck.

At 2:45 PM, Blogger Marmalade Girl said...

Wow. Nice rant. Agreed with many of his points but wow, his anger and bitterness makes me feel downright perky...


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