We have reached that part of the winter where Happy Cat has run out of Happy.
I am sick of snow and cold. From mid-February on, this is the endurance section of winter, when everyone's (well, mostly everyone's) winter blahs set in.
Just have to endure this for a while longer, and eventually break through.
Rob, Tex Gaines is looking to get ahold of you. Email him at texgaines@hotmail.com
i seem to have side stepped the blues this year. don't know if it's because of the no snow or cuz of the no horrifying stories heard from the kids i work with.
either way... yay me. boo winter.
I feel your pain, although winter has only just really hit Toronto a couple of weeks ago. We have about 2 cm of snow on the ground but it has been in the minus teens and twenties with windchill for about 2 weeks.
we are having our first real snowfall right now. and there have been a nice mixture of sunny, cold, mild and rainy days this winter so nothing is blahhh... yet.
We have what seems like 8 feet of hard packed snow, since it's been here since October, and I am sick of looking at it.
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