Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Last batch of photos before we come home.

Well, this is it..hittin' the airport tomorrow, and once we get to London, we hit it hard as we beg Air Canada to let us on the London-Edmonton direct flight instead of the London-Calgary, Calgary-Edmonton run. We'll have Holly turnin' on the charm. I wanted to have a fake oxygen tube coming out of her diaper bad and rubber-banded to her her nostrils, figuring sick and cute outdoes just plain cute, but Allie won't go for it.

You'll notice in the photos that there is no Aberdeen..I had the good fortune to get a stomach bug the day before, and that killed the trip. I was quite looking forward to it, both seeing the ocean from up there, and the art museum that has the Waterhouse paintings. Another one for the "next time" file.

Today, however, was the perfect capping off of the trip by visiting Doune Castle, a Mecca of sorts to people like me, as it is where many scenes from Monty Python and the Holy Grail were filmed. I stood on the same stairs where John Cleese as Sir Galahad sliced and chopped his way through a mass of terrified wedding was awesome. Also stood on the upper wall from which Cleese again taunted the knights. I can't say it was on my lifelong list of things to do before I die, but once the opportunity presented itself, it shot right up there. "Fetchez la vache!" "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!" Classic. I was there.

After the castle, we wandered around Doune, and has a bite at a pub, which has the distinction of, food-wise, being terrible value for money, lovely inside, and having vegetable spring rolls created by someone who apparently has heard of spring rolls but has never actually had one. It had peas and corn in it. They were good..not great, and not even spring rolls, in my mind, but good. And not worth almost $9 after conversion! There were only two of them! They were big, but not that big. They's have to be, like, the size of jumbo corn dogs at the EX to be worth $4.50 each.

Rant over. I love the UK.

Finally got a photo of the William Wallace Monument in sunlight. We drive by it virtually every day, each time saying, we'll go there tomorrow, right? Never did. Next time.

Oh yeah, back to the gift shop, they have a smattering of toys, Python books and videos, and such, but what made me chuckle (and I may have bought it if not for the coversion factor almost get desensitized to dollars vs pounds after a while, and you have to remind yourself that £10.50 is $21 back home. They had taken a £7.50 toy catapult and rubber banded a £3.00 toy cow to it, sidways and ready for launch. Almost got me.

I forgot to post this one before-
We had to pay 20p to pee at the Glasgow train station.
Our day in Glasgow and Doune Castle are tied for the niciest, most relaxing times I had this trip.

And, if you don't have time to check the above link for all the photos, here's the group photo from the lodge that we just got from Steven, plus a few from the castle, and a Python shot for comparison. Look closely at the Python shot for the cow.

Look forward to seeing you all when we're back. Later, dudes!


At 3:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safe trip home.

At 3:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!! I can't believe your trip has come and gone so fast!! I wish we could have seen you for longer. I am definitely up for an Alton Towers trip next time you visit, Allie and Stu can watch the kids while we hit the rollercoasters!! I'll email copies of my photos soon. Safe journey home, Kx

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

5 of 6, all I have to say is that you are one wild and crazy guy.

or is that Count Floyd?


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