All right, found a free wireless network at the airport. The one called Free WiFi didn't work, the Airport-Sponsored one would have cost ten bucks to use for the day, but I found this one for free. It was a pretty weak signal, so I wandered around and found a stronger spot. Cool.
So yeah, at the airport. My departure is 15 minutes late, leaving at 4:45PM now. Probably about 30-40 minutes now before boarding the plane.
I had a weird idea for a movie script as I was waking up this morning. You know those half-formed ideas that come to you either in dreams, or just befor falling asleep or waking up, that seem to be perfectly sensible at the time, then if you are lucky enough to remember them later, you're lucky if they make any sense at all, or you wonder "Why did I think that was such a good idea??" I'll try to write some sense into this one, and see if it lives up to the dreamy potential I thought it had.
Maybe I'll find another free network in Calgary..if I do, talk to ya's later.
Have a blast!!!
those are my favourite ideas. i try to write them down and then revisit them a few weeks later.
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