Too busy, or too bored to post lately. Bleah.
My girls are both sick. We went to Holly's one-year-old cousin's birthday party, and one of the little brats there obviously infected us with some contagion. Allie got a sore throat, it kinda got better, Holly got a runny nose and cough, then Allie lost her voice completely..not altogether a bad thing, there, but she doesn't feel well either, so that's not so good.
Even worse, now I feel like I am getting it too. I hope I can fend it off until A. feels better, at least.
What else is new..hmmm. Found mold in our pantry..yuck. Using it as an excuse to finally get our kitchen redone. Hopefully before the baby comes.
After staring blankly at the screen for a few minutes, and coming up with nothing else, I guess that really is about it.
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