Courtesy tbit, located on Accordion Guy.
And because it is D&D related, I figure I should link to the Dork Lord as well, for geekdom's sake.
Man, That Is Very Good
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
C&D, when you get to Japan, you have to keep a lookout for things like Kick-In-The-Nuts Flavour Doritos.
via tbit.
I will be sitting down to watch The Amazing Screw-On-Head this weekend, based on another character from the creator of Hellboy.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Here's something you probably thought you'd never see, and probably never will again.
Now can you see the resemblance?
There's one more coming that I have to scan that looks even better.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Yeah, been a little light on the posting lately.
Canada Day was great, took an extra day and had a four-day weekend. Had the family and some friends over for a bbq and tried to see what fireworks we could from the backyard. We could hear them pretty good.
Holly is growing like a weed. I shaved my head again. We look similar. Pictures to follow.
I found out about the Comic Book Challenge about 4 days before the closing deadline for entries, so I spent three days thinking about how to quickly present my two main ideas that have been kicking around my head for a couple of years, and a few hours writing up plot summaries and drawing slightly-better-than-stick-figures to complete the "story and one full page of art" requirement for entry. Sent them in on the closing date. I wonder how many entries they got?
I was kind of hoping I would be one of the 50 semi-finalists who got invited to go to San Diego (at their own expense) to pitch the idea to the owner of Platinum Studios, a comic industry guy, a reviewer, and the producer of (among other things) Terminator 2 and Armageddon.
The prize- well, from the 50, the panel picks three finalists..for three days, the finalists ideas are posted on the Comic Book Challenge website for fan voting, and the tp vote-getter gets their idea fully developed as a comic, and marketed around for film/tv/other media opportunities.
Alas, if I haven't heard anything from them by now, a week before the pitch day, then I likely won't. Oh well, it got me thinking about these projects again..maybe I can follow up by doing something with them.