Friday, October 28, 2005

From Mukey..Gas prices are affecting everyone.
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Monday, October 24, 2005

We're in..the house is a mess, but it's our mess. We like the house even more with our stuff in it.

I did something I have never done...I parked in the garage overnight. I pulled my frost-free car out in the morning, and silently gloated as I passed the cars parked on the street, frost covering their windows. Bwahahahahah!!!

Sometimes, simple pleasures are the will I feel during the first snowfall???

Friday, October 21, 2005

Finally, we received confirmation that we get to move into the house on Saturday as planned.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ended up seeing A History of Violence..I liked it.

The latest on the, why does everything get so difficult? The owners are being jerks. We should find out today whether it is reaosnable to expect to get the keys and move in this weekend, or if I have to re-book the movers for next weekend.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

We don't get the keys tomorrow as anticipated. Grr. The current owner is screwing around with the Real Property Report, because there is a section of fence encroaching on city property, which he will have to pay for (either permission to leave it or to have it replaced). Hence, delays. Our lawyer arguing with their lawyer. As I said...Grr. We should still get in for Saturday, though.

I can't even go into The Bay anymore without seeing Celine Dion's ugly mutant face plastered around everywhere. I'd like to go back in time and bash her head against a rock...better yet, her parents' heads,just to be safe...and spare the world, and more importantly, myself, the agony.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Oh yeah, Allie's doctor appointment...everything is fine, she's about 12 weeks along..there's only ONE, thank God...

..and I heard our baby's heartbeat.


I wanna go see a movie tomorrow night. Anyone up for coming with us? It's down to the Corpse Bride, A History of Violenece, or Where The Truth Lies.

Who's up for it?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Just waiting for Allie to show up, as I take an early lunch from work and go for her first pre-natal doctor visit.

So, we rescued a dog yesterday. Picture to follow. Heading east on the Yellowhead, just before the Victoria Trail exit, Allie spots a dirty poodle wandering on the side of the road. There is a chainlink fence separating the houses fromt the busy highway, and the dog was on the wrong side of it. We pulled over, I grabbed it, and man, was it terrified.

We got it intot he car, and saw that it was very old, dusty and dirty, and had cataracts, so if it isn't totally blind, it can't see very well. The way it didn't react to me coming to it makes me think he was deaf, too.

SO, we brought him to our friends, fellow cat rescuers, and deciphered the dog's tattoo, made some calls, and miraculously, contacted the owner.

Mike the apricot poodle (yes, his name is Mike) had only been missing an hour, but his owners were very worried, and his sheepdog pal was so depressed he wouldn't leave the house to go help look for him. Happy owner and happier poodle were reunited in an hour or so.

We can't even leave the house anymore...maybe we'll stay in.

Actually, that doesn't work either..Mia, Moses and a few others came right to our door in recent years..*sigh*'s our lot in life.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

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Done deal. 2011-82 street is ours.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Even when you hire movers, moving is hell. I have never been so glad to see anything disappear in my rear view mirror as I was on Sunday afternoon, watching Medicine Hat get smaller and smaller.

Had our house inpescted, and it needs some stuff done..time to get handy. We actually thought about kiboshing the deal, but we will go ahead and take it, and do the work. Our realtor tried to get them to come down a bit more in price, but no go. It was worth a try. It really is a seller's market.

Within hours, we should get our final mortgage approval and be able to finalize the deal.

Are you bored yet? I am.

I feel like I should get passionate about something and really have something to write about. *sigh* I just have too many big little things causing me stress right now. It will be so nice to have this over with. We will celebrate with a biiiig party to put it all to rest, let me tell you.

Friday, October 07, 2005

It's almost official. The buyers removed their conditions today, so this house is no longer ours as of October 14. Now, to get back to Edmonton withe all our stuff and finish our own purchase.

Probably my last post for the weekend, as I'll be pulling the computer and desk apart. If anything interesting happens before that, I'll mention it, but otherwise, I'll meet all y'all in Edmonton, and say so long to posting from Medicine Hat.

What's the difference between Kalan Porter and a deer on the highway?

I'd swerve to miss the deer.


Thursday, October 06, 2005

We bought a house! We bought a house! This is it!

Well, as long as we get our mortgage, our house sale doesn't fall through at the last minute in the Hat, and it passes home inspection. But everything seems to be falling into place.

It really galls us that the prices are so high here, as we move back into Edmonton, but at least we're both working. It also gets us into the market, in a house that is a very blank slate. We can do lots to this place, and improve its value if we ever do decide to sell. But not for MANY years..this is it..I promise.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Well, we put in an offer on a house on Monday after driving around and viewing a couple..however, the owners are somewhere netween crazy and greedy, and wouldn't come down to what we're prepared to pay, so we've moved on from that one.

We saw several more yesterday, and left a bit discouraged, same basic reasons..the houses just aren't worth what they owners think, but if the market demands it, then I guess they are. We looked at one that we kind of wrote off, but today, we began thinking it is worth a second look, and becuase of the price, maybe we should jump on it. It isn't perfect, but very acceptable, and it won't last.h
We may leave for Medicine Hat with a deal in place. WHo knows...we may get there tonight and find it already gone, or find a reason not to pursue it. We'll know more in a few hours...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A rare work-day post during a quick coffee that things have slowed down enough to actually HAVE a break before 12:30PM..yeesh.

Anyways..the move is booked for this weekend, and we're scrambling to find somethign we like that is vacant so we could move directly in, not store the stuff at the mom-in-law's and have to move twice. We found some that we like, so we'll see what happens in the next week or so.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Jeesus Creeping GOD, this is the part I hate...

Got home from AL and Shannon's wedding (left around 8:00PM 'cause Allie was tired, and she heads off to work for 11PM) to find a flashing message light on the phone..could it be? Could it was! A message from the realtor, to call him.

There was an offer on the house, and they were putting the expiry of the offer at it was, 8:30. I hate high pressure offers. Anyways, they offered low. We told our realtor to counter. He did. They came back, still too low. We came back with what we said was a pretty firm offer. They came back again, better, and I pretty much said we'll take it, rather than counter again just to get an extra $500..but our realtor wanted to do it on general principal, to have the last word, and they went for it.

Now, keep in mind, each step in this game from long distance meant getting a call from the realtor, discussing, hanging up, waiting by the phone while the realtor negotiates, and then he calls us again...repeat as necessary.

So, we sold for lower than we wanted, but it gets us the hell some closure and allows us to start looking for a home here. They have until the 7th to remove their financing conditions. And we agreed to October 14 possession. We must be insane.

Thanksgiving weekend will be more like "Thank God it's over" when we finish the move.

Assuming the offer doesn't fall through, but the buyers are supposedly pre-approved.

At least we're not doing this from Cuba, like last year.

I never want to move again.

I like these,, especially Banzai Cat.

Went and saw Serenity last night. It was good..that being said, I do feel like I missed what most everyone else seemed to get about it, which comes from familiarity with and evotion to Firefly, the series that spawned the movie.

I had read that the movie stands alone, and it's not necessary for one to know the seires, but I pretty much disagree. Not being familiar with the characters and the world they inhabit did leave me merely watching the events unfold, not really being involved in them like the others were. Now, I do have to see the series, and I'll rewatch Serenity and see if it makes any difference in my enjoyment of the film.

It was good to see some Joss Whedon-esque on-screen banter again, though.

My old pal Al is getting married today. Any biker gangs that want to crash the reception should come directly, at 5:30 PM, to...aaah, just kidding.